Whether dining in or out stay within your macros and quickly substitute
just about any food with this handy quick conversion guide.
½ Cup Rice (Brown, White, Etc.) = ½ Cup Quinoa = ½ Cup Oats = 3 Rice Cakes = 5oz Potato (Sweet, Red, White, Etc.) = 2 Slices of Bread (Ezekiel, Whole Wheat, Multigrain, Etc.) = 1 Small Fruit (Apple, Grapefruit, Banana) = 1 Cup Berries (Strawberries, Black Berries, Raspberries, Blue Berries) = 1 Cup Mixed Veggies
Lean Proteins
8 Egg Whites OR 1 Cup Egg Whites = 4 oz Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast = 4 oz 97-99% Lean Ground Turkey = 4 oz White Fish (Shrimp, Tilapia, Tuna, Cod, Etc.)
Fatty Proteins
4oz Lean Steak (Top Sirloin, Top Round, London Broil, Flank) = 4oz 93/7% Ground Beef = 93/7% Ground Turkey = 4 oz Fatty Fish (Salmon, Swordfish, Etc.) = 4oz Vegan Meat Substitutes (Beyond Chicken or Beyond Beef) = 4oz Tofu = 4 oz Chicken Leg OR Chicken Thigh = 4oz Pork Tenderloin
¼ Cup Nuts (Almonds, Walnuts, Pecans, Macadamia) = ½ Medium Avocado = 5 Pieces Turkey Bacon = 1 Whole Egg = 2 Tablespoons All-Natural Peanut Butter OR Almond Butter = 1oz OR 1 Slice Cheese = 1 Tablespoon Oil (Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Flax Oil, Coconut Oil, MCT Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil) = 2 Tablespoons Chia or Flax Seeds = 1 Tablespoon Grass Fed Butter
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© My Life Fitness LLC 2019